Progress Not Perfection
We can trust God with our emotions, fears, sadness, or joys; strengths and weaknesses alike, all of it. He not only understands but has made provision for all of who we are: the good, the bad and the ugly.
He meets us where we are and loves us enough not to leave us there.
In most 12-step recovery programs “progress not perfection” is a common slogan. This slogan is not only for those recovering from addictions, but it is for all of humanity that is recovering from the first bite of the apple. We all fall short…all of us. But by God’s grace, we have hope, truth, and a future: one rich and full in the midst of weakness.Jesus is the only one that is perfect, without sin.
Perfection isn’t the goal; progress is: Progress in our relationship with our heavenly father, progress in our relationship to one another. For clarity, the goal is to be a mirror of God to this world, one imperfect step at a time.
When we trip, fall, and want to give up, sometimes we simply need a foghorn sounded in our lives saying, “Keep going, you can do it. God created you with all you need to be; all you can dream of being.” Sometimes we need to be that foghorn in someone else’s life.
When we lean into God, learn of Him we become a reflection of Him when we choose His will, not ours. We cannot always determine our circumstance, but we always have a choice in our response to everything that happens in our lives. By leaning into God, in good times or bad, we gain strength and wisdom to carry us through.There are times that what we need is to step into the yoke with Christ to learn of Him.
In Matthew Jesus says it this way:
“Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.”
Matthew 11:29-30 AMP
When we step into that yoke, we are saying, “I surrender my will, my way for yours, God.” In that place even when we stumble and fall we have His strength, His wisdom, and grace to continue. We learn step-by-step, mile-by-mile.
We may try at times to buck against the yoke, and it isn’t always easy to stay the course but when we do the reward is significant. We find peace, wisdom, and strength we never knew we could have. With each stumble more steps that are in line with the final goal accompany us.
It is progress, not perfection.
Consider our children as they are growing up. They are not always happy with the restrictions of guidelines or rules. Those rules are intended to guide and provide safety when adhered to. Often they will grumble, complain maybe even argue but at the end of the day they submit, surrender, even if just in compliance rather than wholeheartedly agreeing. My answer is “works for me.” Eventually, they grow and gain enough strength or wisdom to go the right direction, make good decisions, but in the meantime, it is our job to provide good structure to help them along the way.
The transition from us as parents to God as our Father, with us as His children; perhaps, even grumbling just as loudly as our children! He knows what will keep us safe, under His care and what will become circumstances that carry with it negative consequences. He will not violate our freedom to choose, and He may not alleviate those very consequences. It is just a natural course of life. What He does do is meet us where we are and walk with us through the consequences when we ask Him. He provides strength, wisdom, and grace to become better and not bitter concerning the people or circumstances we are facing.
God is always about restoration, rebuilding. When we lean into Him, surrender to His yoke, and learn from Him, then we find His burden is light, and His yoke is easy. Not boring: but easy. We learn not to take ourselves so seriously and to take Him very seriously. It is He whom we can lean on when we’re tired, and He pulls the load when we cannot. When we choose Him in our weakness, it is He that is strong. But He will not violate our freedom to choose. In watching my grandsons swim on their local swim team, I am reminded that over time they are becoming really good athletes, in body strength, skill, and team spirit. I love the transformation; the process translates to everything we do. The key keep showing up, keep going, keep trying, and never give up!
The solution to living well, living with purpose, passion, and grace is when we are weak knowing that who we are connected to has all the strength we need.
John tells us to stay connected, stay strong, and don’t give up! He says:
“Look to yourselves (take care) that you may not lose (throw away or destroy) all that you and we have labored for, but that you may [persevere until you] win and receive back a perfect reward [in full].”
2 John 1:8 AMPC (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)
The reward is both here on earth and in heaven. On earth, we will have a life full of purpose, a colorful tapestry of vibrant living. In heaven, we will have eternity with God the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit. We are not perfect. We never will be. But if we choose to step into the yoke with Christ as our partner: when we stumble, when we fall, He will be there to rebuild, restore and reestablish us.
Today will you determine to submit to partnering with God one step at a time? Can you remember today “progress not perfection” and then lean into Him in your weakness, knowing He can be your strength? Can you be the “fog-horn” in someone else’s life and tell them “they can keep going, they can do it”?