Nicole Syvertson Nicole Syvertson

Appointing Our Days

The end of the year is coming and in looking at the calendar, the picture is of two horses, side by side grazing under a tree in a pasture. It reminds me of a “time on the hill” and a devotion I was doing by Jonathan Cahn.

The words from the devotion that have stayed with me:

“Don’t let your days determine your life. Let your life determine your days. And don’t just let your days go by. Prepare them, that they might become vessels of blessing and life. Appoint your days … for the purposes of the Most High.”

Jonathan Cahn “The Book of Mysteries Devotion”/YouVersion Online Bible Devotions

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Nicole Syvertson Nicole Syvertson

An Ear To Hear

I've been considering some situations recently where a person just needed to have someone listen as they poured their heart out. They didn't want to be fixed only heard and not judged or corrected but heard. There is a difference between listening and hearing.

I can listen to the radio, but that doesn't mean I hear what they are saying. To hear someone, you have to listen. But all listening doesn't mean you hear.

Jesus tells us to take His yoke upon ourselves and learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart, and in that place, we will find rest for our souls.

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Nicole Syvertson Nicole Syvertson

Joy Versus Happiness

Some people are just looking to be “happy” and often wonder why they are not. Others work hard or are on the go striving to find happiness but, in the end, often feel lacking in their hearts. Then we have those who are frustrated, angry at their circumstances and focus on the negative they see.

In a world that continually looks for “happiness,” we will find that “happiness” will not carry us through the tough places we face. There are times that we are facing overwhelming odds early in the day. When things aren’t going well before breakfast, do we take a breath and say, “Lord, make me happy today?” Some may, but for me, I say, “Lord, give me strength today.”

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson


When we are young often we think we have forever. In our forties we think “time flies by” and there is never enough time. When we get to the sixties we start to reevaluate time. In our eighties we think we have so little time left, and make the best use of each day.

Time for a reality check.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Wisdom Is Our Friend

This morning I was thinking about Grandma C my mentor, spiritual mom, friend, and grandma to my kids. I miss her so and would love to share with her my joys, tears, and how she still impacts my life 18 years after she went to be with the Lord. She may be in heaven but her jewels of wisdom are still active and alive today in my heart.

I miss Grandma’s love for God and her unconditional love for me and for everyone God put in her path.

Wisdom, understanding, sound judgment and discretion were like the clothes she wore over her love and grace. That may sound like she was stiff, but not even close.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Passionately Determined

The phrase “Let’s roll” became a symbol of heroism, strength, and character with the last phone call from Todd Beamer to the GTE operator while he was on Flight 93, 9/11/2001. That plane crashed in a field in Pittsburgh. Todd with other passengers identified the objectives of the enemy, who overtook their plane and they did what it took to avert the intended outcome. It cost them their lives but their action saved an attack on our capital and our freedom.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

The Hall Of Faith

While sitting today I was considering my weekend. Actually, I should start from the beginning of the vision I felt God gave me over a year ago. We had to do some repair work on our deck. During that planning, I had a dream one night about reclaiming space under our deck.

The vision was creating a safe place for people to come dream, create, and heal. This new space would be a pottery studio and a garden room. If it was going to be a space just for a hobby I’m definitely sure I would not have been willing to push through some of my own physical challenges to create the space. But there was a sense that this idea was not one of my own or even for my benefit but a dream that came from God. It was a dream that discouragement or physical limitations couldn’t chase away.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Sowing And Reaping

Sow and then reap seems like a simple concept and it can be. In this high pressure, fast-paced world we sometimes hope that our intentions can count for the sowing. Alas not so, but the principle is tried and true in all circumstances.

Let’s look at the source. Jesus tells us this:

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Luke 6:38 NIV

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson


I am sitting on the hill in my favorite place. Hummingbirds flitting around fattening up for their long trek south. The horses slowly graze in the pasture. Taking a deep breath I ask God to clear my thoughts, emotions.

My thoughts are running as if they were in the “running of the bulls” in Mexico. So many things to do. Many are interesting and yet many are mundane and time-consuming. We can get consumed with the to-dos, the musts, and the what ifs so much so that we get stuck, overwhelmed, then stagnant: “deer in the headlights” as it were.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Circumstances Or Principles

Overlooking the pasture while watching a pony grazing I stop for a moment and I consider the different people, places, and things I have come in contact with over the last several months and have come to a conclusion. It is easier to be critical of people, places, and things we don’t understand than it is to take time to learn of them and to consider God’s view.

Regardless of the topic, in a time when more frequently than not, its about our comfort or opinion rather than God’s principles and character that rule our thoughts, words, and actions.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Raising The Broken To Life

True love allows freedom to choose. Only then can you know if it is true love. The Bible states God created man and woman in His own image and likeness with the ability to choose to follow Him or choose their own way. Only in this way could unconditional love be received or given.

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Nicole Syvertson Nicole Syvertson

Redirection Granted

Well, I caught myself daydreaming this morning. So many things I would love to accomplish or have the opportunity to do and finish well. The "finishing well" is the key. It is easy to procrastinate or start and get busy with other things and never get back to that one or more projects. The sense that leaves me with is a failure. I sometimes determine I won’t start another project until these others are completed. Often I walk away from doing any of the projects including starting something new. So often we miss God’s direction in the middle of our restlessness.

Many of us can relate on some level with the procrastination. But we need to be reminded from time to time.

Our time here on earth is limited. God has numbered our days.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Uplifting Love

There are times when sitting watching the birds and meditating on the words of some songs playing bring a deep and abiding love and trust in God. This particular morning the channel I was listening to play an “oldy” that was of great importance to me years ago — the song: “Power Of Your Love” by Hillsong United.

When I first connected with the song Grandma, a widow, was living with me. I had been a widow for a few years myself. My youngest was off in the Air Force. It was a time of “leaning on, learning of, and trusting God. Life wasn’t what I thought it would or could be and I was trying to understand my world in the light of God’s love.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Interrupted By God

There have been days that we put one foot in front of the other getting things done. We become so focused on the intensity of life that we miss precious “God moments.” Sometimes we are just so busy we miss hearing His still small voice altogether. There are times we forget that our circumstances aren’t as important as our purpose. Often it is in the midst of our greatest challenges that God’s purposes are accomplished.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

I was watching a young squirrel jump from the bird bath onto the pole that held the treasured reward: bird seed! It was comical to watch at first. He would take run after run going up the pole and climb to the top of the baffle that was stopping him from reaching the feeders. About the sixth time; success! He had to make it to just under the top of the baffle knowing he would be slipping. The key was to be able to jump just at the right time as he was slipping over to one of the bird feeders catching just one rung on the outside cage of the feeder. Timing had to be perfect.

It wasn’t easy. It took determination and discipline. Focus on nothing else but the prize.

It would be easy for me to throw some seed out for the squirrels to pick off the ground. But this day seems to hold a lesson – Keep your eye on the prize – don’t give up – don’t give in.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Be At Rest Oh My Soul

Have you ever stopped and spoken to your soul? Interesting question but one worthy of consideration. I was sitting in the greenhouse watching the birds and the squirrels. The birds are intriguing.

The squirrels? They and I have a love-hate relationship. Although I must admit it is moving more to love than hate these days. The Greenhouse is nestled in among trees and brings about a sense of well-being and peace.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

You Are Not Alone

There are times when as we grow in our relationship to Christ we commit to changing different character defects in ourselves to be a better person. Often we fall short. We try again. For those who are Jesus followers, God has given us a bevy of tools to live a life full, vibrant, and obeying His command.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

There Is Hope

There is hope. Not because of what we do or even who we are but because of what God has done for us. Our hope is not in our circumstances or our eloquent speech but because God so loved us, all of us in this world, that He sent His only begotten Son into this world that we might live.

Let us remember what Jesus tells us in John.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ESV

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

What About Time

What a Glorious week spending time with my granddaughter. She came by herself and repeatedly commented on what made it so special: “There is no competition”. No competition with her brother and sister, her mom, or all the family gathering. Just time with Grandma and Grandpa, one on one. No outside interferences.

There wasn’t a need to fix, buy, or get anything, just time and attention. Focused attention. Grateful for anything and everything. Content to be loved.

Hmm. How often I have forgotten those moments with God. Remembering what it’s like being content to spend time with Him. By taking the time as a gift.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Lest We Forget

We were born into a world at war.

I visited Pearl Harbor on a recent trip to Hawaii. Being reminded that since Adam and Eve’s departure from Eden man has been at war.

From Cain and Able to the tribal wars with the Philistines and Judah, David’s conquests and beyond to the Roman Empire. The wars did not end there. In our remembrance, there was the war for US independence, civil war, WW1, WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, War on many fronts and that fight yet continues.

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