Deep Secrets and Satisfying Love
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
What does it take to build a love that lasts a lifetime? I've spent time with couples married for decades, and discovered a powerful secret: deep, abiding love. These couples, like my beloved Grandma C and Grandpa Herman, experienced joy and sorrow, but their love grew stronger through it all. Their commitment, trust, and intimacy were the foundation of their enduring relationships.
But this kind of love isn't just for humans. God desires the same level of commitment and intimacy with us. Discover how to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Let's explore the parallels between human love and divine love together.
Join us in this week's cornerstone conversation!
A Clarion Call
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
What does it take to build a love that lasts a lifetime? I've spent time with couples married for decades, and discovered a powerful secret: deep, abiding love. These couples, like my beloved Grandma C and Grandpa Herman, experienced joy and sorrow, but their love grew stronger through it all. Their commitment, trust, and intimacy were the foundation of their enduring relationships.
But this kind of love isn't just for humans. God desires the same level of commitment and intimacy with us. Discover how to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Let's explore the parallels between human love and divine love together.
Join us in this week's cornerstone conversation!
The Desire of Our Heart
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
Ever feel like God only cares about what you give, not what you need?
Many misunderstand the verse "ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you" (John 15:7). True desires come from a place of abiding in Christ, where our perspective aligns with His will.
This week's Cornerstone Conversation explores what happens when we truly connect with God. We learn to see the bigger picture, a richer plan for our lives filled with purpose. We discover it's not just about following Jesus' example, but receiving what we NEED at the moment.
Join me as I share a personal story of feeling burnt out while caring for foster kids, my family, and struggling families. See how a raw moment of honesty with God led to a deeper understanding of His love and provision.
Night Vision - Strategies of God
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
In a world filled with hatred, violence, and persecution, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Yet, these struggles are not new. History shows us that regardless of the country or era, these issues persist. That's why Jesus' life, death, and resurrection remain profoundly relevant today.
Born into a world at war—God vs. Satan, good vs. evil, hope vs. despair—we as Jesus' followers need not despair. This world is not our home; we are sojourners, passing through for a short time. Our true home is in heaven, where we will spend eternity with our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, alongside the cloud of witnesses cheering us on. This is our hope.
While we are here, we have a mission. God created us with unique gifts and talents to fulfill His plans and purposes. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us: "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." It's not about our goodness but about making a positive impact, reflecting our Heavenly Father in a world rife with pain and conflict.
Join me for this week's Cornerstone Conversation as we take a look at Night Vision - Strategies of God!
Join me for this week's Cornerstone Conversation!
Frozen With Fear vs Moving Forward and Thriving
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
Sometimes, it's easier to remain frozen than to move forward in life. Fear can halt our growth and prevent us from experiencing healing, love, compassion, and hope. In this video, I share my personal journey through a challenging 2023, facing health issues, financial stress, family struggles, and the decision to sell my home and move. This journey paralleled the premise of my upcoming book, "Thriving; Life Beyond Grief - A Life Filled With Passion, Purpose, and Adventure."
Join me as I discuss how confronting fear and embracing faith, even as small as a mustard seed, empowered me to overcome obstacles and thrive. Discover how moving forward with faith can help you fulfill your God-given purpose, bringing glory and honor to the Father. We were made in His image, known before birth, and intentionally crafted with unique gifts and talents.
Join me for this week's Cornerstone Conversation!
Steadfast Love, Mercy and Faithfulness
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
Each day brings new mercies, joys, sorrows, successes, and failures, with mountains to climb and valleys to navigate. No matter where we are, God's grace and mercy are with us every step of the way. By pursuing a relationship with Him, reading His Word, and inviting Him into our hearts, we come to know Him more deeply. Trusting God to guide us through life's challenges, we find rest, restoration, and protection in His care.
Join me for this week's Cornerstone Conversation as we take a look at Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV!
Sitting Awhile With Jesus
Welcome to this week's Cornerstone Conversation.
This wee we are exploring the profound beauty of spending quiet moments with Jesus, finding solace, strength, and guidance in His presence. In a world filled with chaos and distractions, taking the time to simply sit with Jesus is a priceless gift that brings unparalleled peace to our hearts and souls.
In our hectic lives, it's easy to rush through each day without pausing to connect with our Heavenly Father. We may have our morning routines of prayer and alignment with God, but there's something truly special about setting aside dedicated time to sit with Jesus, free from the distractions of our busy schedules and the demands of the world.
In His presence, we find peace, strength, and the courage to face whatever lies ahead.
Thank you for joining me for this week's Cornerstone Conversation!
The Desires of Our Heart
Welcome to this week’s Cornerstone Conversation.
Have you ever prayed fervently for something, believing that because you're faithful and ticking off all the boxes of righteousness, God would grant your heart's desires? If so, you're not alone. Join us as we delve into the often misunderstood Scripture, "He will give us the desires of our heart," and uncover the meaning in light of God's will.
Grief and the God Factor
Welcome to Cornerstone Conversation. Many of us are facing challenges right now - grief, job insecurity, strained relationships, you name it. It can feel overwhelming, leaving us just trying to survive, not thrive.
The message of Jesus offers hope and a path forward. He understands our struggles, and by drawing close to Him, we can find the strength and peace we need.
Remember, you are not alone! Join me for today’s Cornerstone Conversation on Grief and the God Factor.
Fruit of the Spirit; A New Perspective
Welcome to Cornerstone Conversation. Have you ever considered the Fruit of the Spirit as a weapon? In this week’s blog post, we explore a fresh perspective on these nine qualities, traditionally seen as a gauge of our faith.
The author argues that the Fruit of the Spirit can be wielded like a spiritual shield against the tactics of Satan. They contrast the "acts of the flesh" (selfishness, anger, discord) with the corresponding fruits (love, joy, peace).
By cultivating these fruits, we not only grow closer to God but also radiate His transformative power. The post concludes by emphasizing the importance of knowing God's character. The more we understand Him, the better equipped we are to resist Satan's temptations and live a life guided by the Holy Spirit.
Thriving Is A Choice
Welcome to Cornerstone Conversation, where this week we are diving into the heart of what it means to truly thrive. This week, we're exploring an empowering perspective: "Thriving is a choice." Join us as we uncover how acknowledging your blessings and choosing gratitude can transform your life. Discover the power of choice in overcoming life's challenges and how simple practices can shift your attitude, even in the toughest times. Today choose better over bitter, to thrive in the midst of chaos, and to be a blessing to those around you. Join us today as talk about making thriving a personal choice.
Setting The Tone
Setting The Tone
It feels as though we cannot slow the speed at which the days disappear before our eyes. I know many of us have started to let our New Year resolutions slip by now; there is too much to do in too little time, but we need to take time to rethink how we want our year to go.
Consider how much God, our heavenly father; Jesus, our Lord, and Savior; and the Holy Spirit, our comforter and strength who provides wisdom and truth, value us. They were willing to pay the ultimate price, Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, to show us the way home and have us with them for eternity.