Uplifting Love

Uplifting Love

There are times when sitting watching the birds and meditating on the words of some songs playing bring a deep and abiding love and trust in God. This particular morning the channel I was listening to play an oldy that was of great importance to me years ago — the song: “Power Of Your Love by Hillsong United.

When I first connected with the song, Grandma, a widow, was living with me. I had been a widow for a few years myself. My youngest was off in the Air Force. It was a time of leaning on, learning of, and trusting God. Life wasn’t what I thought it would or could be and I was trying to understand my world in the light of God’s love.

Still sitting, I let the song bring me back to memories from years gone by and their meaning for my life, heart, and soul.   Through good times, hard times, and alone times, the words drew me closer in my relationship with God, my Heavenly Father. I learned to trust Him and know that whether dealing with my weaknesses or circumstances He would walk me through those valleys to a place of strength as He drew me close to His side.

My thoughts then come through the years as if looking at a tapestry. I saw how God sometimes walked beside me as if we were walking along on a journey. At other times when I felt the most alone I saw Him carry me. There were the pictures of when times were tough and He was cheering me on. God was telling me, “You can; I am with you. Lean on Me for strength and know I will never leave you or forsake you.” There were times where I could see my weaknesses, choices (good and bad ) consequences to both. He loved me so much that He would not leave me in those places but walk with me through those places.

God was saying; “In my weakness He would be my strength if I would surrender all. This includes weaknesses and strengths, failures and successes, sorrows and joys. The key was to surrender ALL.”

We often face a long list of challenges. Some of these challenges can be significant: Whether they are physical, debilitating illness, incapacitation, relationships difficulties, business struggles, family hurts, or addictions. Often times people say one of two things:

1. I feel the same way about my life’s journey.

2. I wish I had a relationship with God that brought such peace, strength, and hope. Surprised by the second response, I asked, “In what way do you get peace from my description?” Some have said: “Because I get peace picturing the words in my mind. I think that kind of relationship would bring incredible peace. You’re never alone.”

God is interested in an intimate one-to-one relationship with each of us. One in which we learn that His ways may be above our ways and His thoughts above our thoughts as it says in Isaiah 55:8-9. But we are encouraged by Jesus’s words:

“These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do, I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

John 14:25-27 English Standard Version (ESV)

We are never alone. The key is surrendering all. Sometimes that is tough. Particularly if we are high achievers and like excellence or we want to control the entirety of our circumstances. Or perhaps we have become so accustomed to our life’s drudgery or pain we don’t want to rock the boat. We’re used to the way things are.

To surrender all to God may mean we have to let go of unforgiveness, resentment, or maybe bitterness. Or there’s a chance we might have to allow others to grow without our control.

Perhaps we have to admit to ourselves that we are powerless of our addiction and that we need a power greater than ourselves to restore us to sanity.

Sometimes we find ourselves amid chaos or an overwhelming situation that was out of our control. We must go through to the other side of the circumstance.

In chaos or hard places is where I find the greatest peace. Growth beyond measure happens when I surrender even those places.

I have a joy when looking back at what once would have overwhelmed me and now is part of my tool chest of solutions and strength.

God doesn’t always remove hard places. He gives us what we need to get through with power and grace, strength and wisdom, peace and understanding.

We are not alone. We have a Heavenly Father that loves us beyond our imagination whom we can trust with all of who we are.

Can this song be your prayer today?

Lord I come to You

Let my heart be changed, renewed

Flowing from the grace

That I found in You.

And Lord I’ve come to know

The weaknesses I see in me

Will be stripped away

By the power of Your love.

Hold me close

Let Your love surround me

Bring me near

Draw me to Your side.

And as I wait

I’ll rise up like the eagle

And I will soar with You

Your Spirit leads me on

In the power of Your love.

Lord unveil my eyes

Let me see You face to face

The knowledge of Your love

As You live in me.

Lord renew my mind

As Your will unfolds in my life

In living every day

by the power of Your love.

Hillsong United – Power Of Your Love


Redirection Granted


Interrupted By God