Appointing Our Days

Appointing Our Days

The end of the year is coming and in looking at the calendar, the picture is of two horses, side by side grazing under a tree in a pasture. It reminds me of a “time on the hill” and a devotion I was doing by Jonathan Cahn.

The words from the devotion that have stayed with me:

“Don’t let your days determine your life. Let your life determine your days. And don’t just let your days go by. Prepare them, that they might become vessels of blessing and life. Appoint your days … for the purposes of the Most High.”

Jonathan Cahn “The Book of Mysteries Devotion” — YouVersion Online Bible Devotions

“Don’t let your days determine your life. Let your life determine your days.” That was powerful enough, but the convicting part was: “and don’t just let your days go by.” We are to be intentional about our days. We are to be determined in appointing and aligning our soul and spirit with God, His purpose and plan for our lives for each and every day.

This intentionality is not circumstantial. It is regardless of our circumstances and physical condition. For me, it is not dependent on the condition of my back or where I am on the planet. This about the focus of our spirit, soul, heart, will, mind, emotions being prepared each day. Aligning with God’s plan and purpose each day that we might become vessels of blessing and life.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 New International Version (NIV)

I have to say there are days I’m “deer in the headlights” with projects or things I’d like to do…but don’t and allow the day to slip by. I don’t think I was always like that or maybe I was. I think when I have had too much on my plate there would be days I had to say if I only get one thing done what would it be? Other times I would pick the top three things and that always kept me focused.

But this devotion isn’t about just staying focused on the needs of the day. It’s about intentionally appointing our days, numbering our days and determining if these are my days then what and how will I use them, how will I appoint them? What does God have planned for them? Do I plan for God being integrated into all of my life? Do I “appoint my days” allowing my days to be a vessel of blessing and life?

The word appoint so intrigued me that I checked out the definition. Here it is:

• Assign a job or role to (someone)

• Determine or decide on (a time or a place)

Similar words are:

• Nominate, name, designate, install as commission, engage

• Specify, determine, assign, designate, allot, set, fix

The word is very specific. There is no ambiguity here. The words are active and require us to pursue, act upon if we intend to succeed. When we are Jesus followers, to appoint our days means our days are God’s. As we plan, God needs to be an intricate part of planning.

God already knows our days. He has them numbered. He is already aware of our circumstances. As we appoint our days and focus on God, seeking His wisdom for our circumstance, God will provide the needed wisdom. The attention is to assign, determine or decide to intentionally define our life and how we want to live. To whom do we belong? Whose life will we follow?

“Don’t let your days determine your life. Let your life determine your days. And don’t just let your days go by.”

It is at this time of the year I find I consider the year I’m finishing and the year yet to come. I start planning the year to come. These words bring a new perspective as I plan.

Today consider as you soon embark on a new year these words:

“Don’t let your days determine your life. Let your life determine your days. And don’t just let your days go by. Prepare them, that they might become vessels of blessing and life. Appoint your days … for the purposes of the Most High.”

By Jonathan Cahn


An Ear To Hear