Passionately Determined

Passionately Determined

Audio Version Coming Soon!

The phrase “Let’s roll” became a symbol of heroism, strength, and character with the last phone call from Todd Beamer to the GTE operator while he was on Flight 93, 9/11/2001. That plane crashed in a field in Pittsburgh. Todd, with other passengers, identified the objectives of the enemy, who overtook their plane and they did what it took to avert the intended outcome. It cost them their lives but their action saved an attack on our capital and our freedom.

Todd grew up with a strong Christian faith and values. Todd and his wife, Lisa, made a difference in those around them, not just in the air that day on 9/11 but in their families, their communities, their church, and with the youth. He was prepared. God was an integral part of who he was as a man, husband, father, and as a leader.

Todd Beamer was equipped.

Before they stormed the cockpit this was his last conversation with Lisa Jefferson, the GTE operator:

“Beamer told Jefferson that the group was planning to “jump on” the hijackers and fly the plane into the ground before the hijackers’ plan could be followed through. Beamer recited the Lord’s Prayer and the 23rd Psalm with Jefferson, prompting others to join in. Beamer requested of Jefferson, “If I don’t make it, please call my family and let them know how much I love them.”

After this, Jefferson heard muffled voices and Beamer clearly answering, “Are you ready? Okay. Let’s roll.” These were Beamer’s last words to Jefferson.There are times we just need to act: to do what is right, just, and true. But are we ready? There are times we won’t have notice; there won’t be time to prepare and determine if we have what it takes to do the right thing. The enemy only comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Thus will do everything in his power to obliterate people’s lives, their faith, their freedoms, their dreams. This happens with addictions of all kinds, violence, greed, and hatred. Then there are the lies to destroy our human spirit, those we believe about ourselves or those perpetrated to destroy others. There is evil in this world waiting and watching to see whom they can overcome.

But Jesus says:

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NASB

Christ has overcome the world in His life, death, and resurrection. He overcame sin, death, and the grave so that we would have the ability to walk in a right relationship with God our Father in heaven. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit that we would have the power to overcome those things that so easily knock us off our course.

When we are entangled in lusts, greed, perversions, addictions, and so on; we have no power to overcome the evil we have allowed in our own lives let alone that which we might happen upon as Todd Beamer did. So, what’s the answer?

Paul, the apostle tells us he knows what is the right thing and yet often doesn’t do what he knows is right and what he wants to do. Peter, the apostle had the same challenge. He never wanted to deny Christ; he even declared his commitment to Jesus. Yet, Peter did deny Christ three times in less than 24 hours.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower the Apostles and all mankind to make the right choices; But, we have to choose to be ready to overcome the enemy. We have to choose to be prepared to fight for what is right in our lives. We must be equipped to face and triumph over whatever confronts us. While we may not face the same fight that Todd faced, there is evil that will try to destroy us if we are not equipped to do as Todd did.

In Ephesians, Paul gives us a way to be prepared for battle, regardless of the fight.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might.

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand.”

Ephesians 6: 10- 13 NASB

Let’s look at each piece of armor.

  • “Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth”

Jesus is the Truth: When we choose to put the belt of truth on we are acknowledging that we believe His word.

  • “Put on the breastplate of righteousness”

The spirit and soul are in our heart deep within our being. Our emotions are subject to Jesus Christ’s righteousness when we intentionally put on the breastplate of righteousness. Jesus Christ was the only one without sin. He is the only righteous one; that is the filter for us before God. God sees us through Christ’s righteousness, the price paid for our sins. We need the breastplate of Christ’s righteousness to cover our heart and be the plumb line we use to base our actions and our words

  • “Cover your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace”

The Gospels are the life of Christ. Covering our feet with the Gospel of peace means we are to walk it, live it. The life of Jesus, death, resurrection is found here in the Gospels.

  • “Taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one”

We chose to do this by believing. This will then release the force of faith to activate the righteousness of Christ as well as activating the other articles of armor. We now intentionally use faith; faith in God, His Word, His Son, and His Holy Spirit to live a life committed to Him.

  • “Take the helmet of salvation”

The freedom to choose was gained by Christ’s death and resurrection symbolized by the helmet of salvation. By our decision to put on the helmet of salvation, we are choosing to bring captive our thoughts to the authority of Christ, which is done by our will, in our heart. The bible says we need to bring into captivity all of our thoughts. Thoughts now are ours to choose, good or evil and we now choose our thoughts knowing the truth.

  • “The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”

Jesus used the Word of God when Satan tempted him after he was baptized and was in the desert for 40 days. He said to Satan, “It is written”. It is the very weapon Jesus used against the devil. He didn’t have a long discussion or negotiation with him. Jesus simply said, “It is written” and the devil had to obey. “It is written”. The Word of God is able to separate the light from the darkness because God knows the very makeup of our being, soul, spirit, and heart; the core of who we are and the evil that is in the world. His Word exposes the lies from the truth and the intentions of our hearts.

“With all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”

Ephesians 6:18 NASB

Are we willing today to do whatever we need to do so we are ready to overcome?

Are we passionately determined, studying to prepare, ready to act? Are we willing to do what is right, just, and true regardless of the price?


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