Choosing Joy In Difficult Circumstances
Choosing Joy In Difficult Circumstances
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The Fruit of the Spirit is used by me as a barometer on how I’m doing spiritually and emotionally. Joy is one of the most important aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit.
Our joy comes from our relationship with the Lord, who is the true source of this joy. Regardless of the circumstances, I have found as I look to God for whatever the circumstance may need there is a joy that comes with it. This does not mean a hilarious happiness but more of a steady, peaceful joy. Perhaps it is because I know that God is there with me, guiding me through whatever the challenge may be, then knowing the “Joy of the Lord is my strength” Nehemiah 8:10.
Joy is not the absence of struggles and challenges but the absence of fear within theses challenges and struggles. Grandma, my spiritual mentor, always encouraged me to press into the challenges instead of running away from them because as you give those circumstances to God, you know…“that He will work all circumstances to our good for those who love the Lord…” (Romans 8:28)
With each challenge we get stronger and with that strength comes peace and joy.
Years ago my husband, who passed away at age 46, had nine heart attacks in six years. Life as we knew it changed. This required that I become the financial support for the family. With two girls still at home and a grandma that we adopted these changes produced physical and emotional struggles. With each heart attack there came new challenges for all of us. But the greatest gift God gave all of us was joy. Somehow there was a deep abiding peace knowing that God had our best interest in His plan. The joy was a "deep in your soul” type of joy, a strength that could only come from God.
Our emotional “pain” didn’t go away, but the joy was ever present and lifted our spirits. You see joy isn’t an emotion. It comes from God. Jesus had said before he went to heaven that it was best that He go for then the Holy Spirit would come and abide with us. The Holy Spirit would be an ever-present source of strength, and wisdom to us. In times of trouble as we lean into God and trust Him for His strength joy is present. For me, joy is one of the major barometers to let me know if I trust God or just myself.
You can have this joy. You have the freedom to choose to get up when down, move when frozen by fear, be strong when challenged by circumstances, re-fired when tired of being strong, love, even when you feel empty, give when you think you have nothing of value left to give. I have found it is at that point God steps in and gives me all I need to go on, to succeed, to get up, to give out, to love more. For me, I have the freedom to choose to look up and become better, stronger or freer, or choose to be like a ship wallowing in stormy seas, constantly striving and focused on the storm. My goal is not to survive the storm but to find joy in the midst of the storm.
With His joy in our lives, we were able to focus on the larger world around us not just our circumstance. The best way I have found is to be aware of those around me. There are times when smiling at a little child in a restaurant and watching them smiling back so quickly gives me a good feeling. The smile didn’t cost anything, but one {joy inspired} smile brought happiness to this child and in turn lifted my heart.
You know joy is contagious. Why not have a friendly word or two with someone you come across that looks like they could use encouragement. It works both ways encouraging them builds the joy in you.
How about complimenting an older adult on their garden or something they said or did? Maybe noticing that they are alone and just chatting for a few minutes; in doing so, it is bringing them joy. Or noticing and complimenting a co-worker’s hard work brings them joy.
We feel really good when others do that for us; it makes us happy and brings us a sense of wellbeing. Joy is simply a deeper form of happiness. We can increase our sense of wellbeing when we reach out to others to offer a touch of happiness. Joy is intentional; it is a choice to place our challenges in God’s hands and trust He will give us the wisdom, strength, and grace to overcome the challenge to get through the circumstance. We get stronger when we look up and out rather than down and focus on us. Pity, bitterness, grumbling only lead to despair and benefits no one. But with Joy as a filter we can see things differently, we can affect our circumstances and others by choosing to be joyful, leaning on the “joy of the Lord” for His strength and our world becomes hopeful, peaceful, and joy is what we become known for even in times of trouble. We then can be a source of encouragement for others in their times of challenge and struggle.
Joy through people is an extension of God’s love in physical form; I challenge you to be intentional about choosing joy in all of the areas of your life by reaching up to God and out to others.
Joy is intentional.
Joy is contagious.
Joy brings strength.
Choose to "Thrive not just survive" and joy will follow you where ever you go because joy is not dependent on circumstances it is determined by where your heart is focused.