His Compassion His Plan
Do you need a "foghorn" in your life? There are days I sure do. But, there are times that the days are too short, the nights and sleep even shorter; the list of things to accomplish seems to be longer than the proverbial "families-Amazon-wish-list-right-before-Christmas."
Our core group in Community Bible Study is currently studying Mark. The crowds consistently build in volume and intensity in Chapters 6, 7, and 8. At one point, there isn't even the ability to sit down and have a meal. Jesus has compassion for the disciples at this point and takes them away to a "quiet" place for rest and food.
I'm relating at this point to the need to get away.
Lo and behold, even at this new quiet place, the crowds are massing like a swarm of bees with a focus. They want to hear from Him. He has a message of hope. He is healing and setting people free. But, he is not just talking about hope and how to live; He IS living it.
He has compassion for them, and His plans change; they step aside. He has the people sit and teaches them; for three days straight. They are in the middle of nowhere: the wilderness, not a town nearby for them to stop and get a bite to eat. They didn't want to get up in the middle of the teaching when they ran out of provisions they might have brought along. They wanted to listen to Him, so they just stayed and didn't even think about their long walk home and no food. It was more important to hear what Jesus had to say. Jesus brought truth, hope, and a love that was compelling enough that their lives could change.
He had compassion and gathered the few loaves of bread and multiplied them so that ALL had more than enough to eat and be satisfied. Jesus understood the practical and had compassion because of the desire of their hearts to know the truth about God through Christ. He met both needs: spiritual and physical.
Jesus didn't have pity for the people; He had compassion, and He met their needs.
He wants to meet ours. When I started writing more than a few years ago, the focus was for people to know that they can keep going, giving, and loving. When they felt like there was nothing left to give, if they would look to God, He could and would step in and give them all they needed to go on, succeed, get up, give out, and love more. He showed us with His life here in Mark just how.
Jesus sent the disciples away in a boat and then dismissed the crowd. Then there is the KEY: He went up the mountain alone to spend time with His Father. He got refreshed, refilled, and refocused; He heard His Father's voice and followed His Father's directions. He then came down and walked across the sea, planning to pass the disciples and meet them on the other side.
In large or small part, we all have similar challenges in our lives. Some seasons are more hectic and demanding than others; some challenges or hardships are more complicated than we feel like we can survive. Yet, I know that because God has been there for me with His compassion and love, He will also be there for you.
He may or may not take me out of the situation, but He always gives me what I need to go through whatever I am facing. My KEY; spending time with Him and believing that He has my best in His heart and plan for my life. He knows what I need, the skills, knowledge, and physical, spiritual, and emotional muscles I need to build. He is there working it all out with and for me. Our Cornerstone Conversations Scripture is:
Ephesians 2:19-22 MSG
"That's plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles.
This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here with as much right to the name Christian as anyone.
God is building a home. He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation.
Now he's using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together.
We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home."
My favorite part of these verses …, "We see it taking shape day after day – a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home."
I need to take time to be with Him. When I don't listen to Him, I become overwhelmed with the "proverbial list" and miss the essence of what He has planned for me.
It is a gift to be a temple where God is entirely at home. The picture that comes to mind brings such peace and balance to me. We don't need to be over-achievers or feel guilty because we're not; we need to spend time with our Father, our Savior, and invite in the Holy Spirit. When we do that, we open the windows of heaven full of incredible freedom to be everything God has created us to be. So in those difficult and overwhelming circumstances, we have a place to go: to God. When I was a younger mom, even the bathroom was a sacred place for a few minutes just talking to God, telling Him I was His, but I needed His help. I needed Him to breathe on me, with His breath of life in me, and I just knew I had what I needed for the next few hours to be the best me God created me to be. With all my flaws, strengths, and weaknesses with Him, there was nothing we couldn't do together. I don't believe there was even one time I felt God missed it. I didn't always get what I wanted, but I ALWAYS got what I needed.
So can I be a "foghorn" in your life and tell you don't give up, don't quit now, or you're coming too close to the rocks, change your focus? Look to God; He'll give you everything you need, I promise. Or can you be that "fog horn" in someone else's life?
Are we the temple that God is entirely at home in, not because we're so strong and good but because we are needy and He is filling the need?